
Lotta Sophie (31) is zangeres en actrice. In 2015 studeerde ze af aan de Toneelschool & Kleinkunstacademie in Amsterdam. Na de toneelschool was zij te zien in verschillende producties waaronder ‘Scrooge’ met Brigitte Kaandorp, Theaterspektakel 'Boer Koekoek' , de dansvoorstelling 'Superhuman' en speelde zij de rol van Ada in ‘Soldaat van Oranje’. Naast haar acteerwerkzaamheden schrijft en produceert Sophie muziek. In 2021 verscheen haar debuutalbum 'Hour of the Wolf' over slapeloosheid. Het album is op vinyl te bestellen in de webshop, digitaal is het album te beluisteren via o.a. Spotify en Amazon. Stay Tuned!
Lotta Sophie (31) is a dutch singer and an actress. In 2015 she graduated from the Theatre School in Amsterdam. After her graduation she played in various productions like 'Scrooge' starring Brigitte Kaandorp, 'Boer Koekoek' , dance performance 'Superhuman' and she also played the role of Ada in the musical 'Soldaat van Oranje'. In addition to her work as an actress Sophie writes and produces her own music. Her first album called 'Hour of the Wolf' about insomnia got released in 2021. A vinyl version of this album can be ordered in the webshop. A digital version is available on i.a. Spotify and Amazon. Stay Tuned!